People’s hearts are changed not by religious literacy, but by the relationships of people in relationship with Jesus Christ. This is the primary purpose of catechesis, and it is always orientated toward adults. Religious Education/Formation is so much more than educating people about God. “God” is not a “thing.” God is alive…here…in each and every one of us, and it is the experiences of our faith that help us get to know and understand this. We believe that at the core of our being, we are all spiritual creatures, and as such we are live by faith, although the quality of that faith is different. What is sometimes lacking is awareness. Therefore, the challenge of religion is not to pump faith into people, but to draw it out of them.
As parishes continue to call all the baptized to exercise their vocation to ministry within the church, the role of the Education/Formation Commission is vitally important in shaping hearts as well as minds.
Adult Formation
Bible Study
Book Club
Catholic Schools Scholarships (Holy Family, Powers Catholic)
Religion Education Formation (REF) Kindergarten -High School
Rite of Christian Initiation For Children (RCIC)
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Sacramental Preparation - Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation & Marriage
Youth Group