"Supporting and Fostering" community spirit
for information on any of the following, please contact the Parish Office at 810-636-2216 or email [email protected]
This commission advises and supports the Parishioners and Pastor in matters that pertain to fostering community spirit at St. Mark. It's purpose is helping Parish members experience our faith community through Parish celebrations and social and recreational activities including:
Parish Picnic - Picnic following an Outdoor Mass.
Annual Recreation Day - celebrating the dedication of our recreation field held in July each year.
Euchre - Held on the fourth Friday of each month Sept thru June.
Hospitality Hour - coffee, juice, donuts and bagels are served after the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays during the months of September thru May.
Monthly Breakfast - usually held on the 3rd Sunday of each month September thru June. The breakfast meal often has a theme to encourage better eating.
Monthly Dinners - usually held on the first Saturday of each month September thru June. The dinners provide great opportunities for community building and getting to know our Parishioners.
Parish Feast Day - usually held the last Saturday in April. Our actual Feast Day (for St. Mark) is April 25
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - is often held in conjuction with our Parish Feast day, the last Saturday in April.