The Parish Pastoral Council collaborates with the Pastor to create a vision for the Parish Communigy and design a planning process to bring that vision to fruition. The Council is the overseeing entity for the four Parish Commissions: (Education/Formation, Parish Life, Social Justice and Spiritual Development). All Parishioners are encouraged to become active in the important ministry of the various groups within our Church community.
This Commission serves in an advisory role to the Pastor and Director of Faith Formation in regard to life-long faith formation beginning with the very young and continuing until old age. As parishes continue to call all the baptized to exercise their vocation to ministry within the church, the role of the Education/Formation Commission is vitally important in shaping hearts as well as minds.
This Commission advises and supports the Parishioners and Pastor in matters that pertain to fostering community spirit at St. Mark, with the purpose of helping Parish members experience our faith community through social and recreational activities and Parish celebrations.
This Commission serves to coordinate and develop programs for those in need in our area, and to respond to social justice issues in our Parish, city and world. Proceeds collected go to the needy and to variousoutreach programs. The goal of the Social Justice Commission is to implement the corporal works of mercy.
This Commission works to help foster the spiritual growth of the people of our Parish. It is responsible for planning the Advent and Lenten programs, evenings of reflections, and various prayer opportunities throughout the year.