Prayer Shawl Ministry members knit or crochet shawls that are given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss, or are in the midst of a life crisis. The shawl is meant to be a sign of the tender hope and peace forever available from God in whatever struggles we are experiencing. If you know of someone who may be in need of a prayer shawl, please contact the parish office.
The group currently meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 10:00-11:30 am. The shawls do not all have to be alike and there is no time limit to finish the shawl. There is really no right or wrong way to create these gifts of love and caring. If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a member of the shawl ministry, please contact Ruth Petroski at 248-980-7679 [email protected]. or Marcy Kreger at 810-695-6588 rwkreger@[email protected]